General Information About Examinations

It is the policy of the Rockland County Department of Personnel to provide accommodations in testing to individuals with disabilities and to religious observers and to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination based on age, race/color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital/familial status, military status, criminal record and additional protections under federal, state and local law, policies and regulations.

Civil Service Examinations may be either open to the general public or limited, if indicated, to a promotional field of employees in Rockland County government or in one or more of the Rockland County Civil Service jurisdictions (towns, villages, school districts, special districts, etc.) See complete list of Local Municipal Agencies/Jurisdictions.

Civil Service examinations test a candidate's qualifications for a particular Civil Service title. If you are interested in taking an examination, click on the examination title and review the examination announcement that provides you with information specific to that examination, including the scheduled exam date, minimum requirements required, salary and location(s) of positions and last filing dates for participation in the examination.

All communications and correspondence (i.e., Application Determination Notification, Admission Notice, Notice of Results, etc.) in regard to civil service examinations and non-examinations will be done through e-mail. It is imperative that applicants make sure that their contact information, including e-mail address, is correctly and accurately provided on their application. Applicants are directed to immediately submit a Name/Address Change Form in the event of any change to their contact information, including e-mail address.

It is important to refer to the list of examination announcements (Open Competitive and/or Promotional) regularly for newly posted examinations. Examinations may be administered in a variety of ways, including written exams, performance exams (e.g., for language or physical fitness ability), computerized exams or evaluations of training and experience. Interested candidates are encouraged to register to receive email notifications whenever new examinations are posted.

To apply to take a Civil Service examination, you must complete a Rockland County Application for Examination or Employment and submit that application within the announced filing period, before the filing deadline. It is recommended that you print or otherwise save a copy of the examination announcement to which you are applying.

You may apply in one of two ways:
  1. by completing a fillable PDF "Application for Examination or Employment" and submitting it by mail to the Rockland County Department of Personnel, 50 Sanatorium Road, Building A, 7th Floor, Pomona, NY 10970. Applications must be postmarked no later than the last filing date; or
  2. by applying online, using the "Apply Online" link next the appropriate examination announcement and submitted no later than 11:59PM on the last filing date.

Examination Fee / Application Submission Information

 A $15.00 non-refundable application filing fee is required for each separately numbered non-uniformed examination for which you apply. A $30.00 non-refundable application filing fee is required for each separately number uniformed examination for which you apply. Fees may be paid by Paypal, credit card, check, or money order (payable to the Rockland County Commissioner of Finance) and must include the examination number and the last four digits of your social security number. Cash will not be accepted. Candidates should compare their qualifications carefully with the minimum qualifications indicated on the examination announcement and file only for those examinations for which they are clearly qualified and intend to take. If you are disqualified from or fail to appear for the examination, the fee is not refunded. If an application is received without the required fee, the application will be disapproved. There is a $15.00 charge for returned checks.

The application filing fee may be waived for those candidates who are unemployed and primarily responsible for the support of a household. In addition, fees may be waived if a candidate is determined to be eligible for Medicaid, receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance), or is certified Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act eligible through a State or local social service agency. All claims for application filing fee waivers are subject to verification. Candidates interested in this waiver must submit a Request for Application Fee Waiver and Certification Form with the application by the last filing date indicated on the appropriate examination announcement.

The Rockland County Department of Personnel does not acknowledge receipt of applications submitted for examinations; however, all applicants for a civil service examination will receive written notification of the results of their application review – i.e., that the application has been approved, conditional pending required information or disapproved. The reason for disqualification will be provided in writing to the applicant.

Examination Cancellations

As the New York State Department of Civil Service schedules examinations on a statewide basis, it is very rare for an examination to be cancelled for any reason. However, if an examination is cancelled or the start time postponed due to inclement weather or a non-weather emergency, cancellation notices will be posted on the Rockland County Department of Personnel website and Rockland County government social media pages. The Rockland County Department of Personnel will also use due diligence, if technology permits, to notify candidates of a cancellation or postponement via email. If inclement weather or other type of emergency is anticipated in the days leading up to the examination, candidates are advised to check the County website and their email frequently. The decision whether or not to cancel an examination may not be made until very early on the day of the exam.

Candidates should NOT call our office or the exam location.

Examination Locations

Examinations, including alternate examinations, are generally given in County of Rockland facilities located in Pomona.

Below are addresses for each testing location:
  • Rockland County Department of Personnel, 50 Sanatorium Rd., Building A, Pomona, NY 10970
  • Rockland County Fire Training Center, 35 Firemen's Memorial Dr., Pomona, NY 10970
  • Rockland County Police Academy, 50 Sanatorium Rd., Building G, Pomona, NY 10970
  • Rockland Community College, 145 College Rd., Suffern, NY 10901